I finally had the opportunity to watch Survivor yesterday and it didn't disappoint. The show started off with a challenge for blankets, pillows, etc. I took a leave of absence from Survivor for a while, but I'd have to rank the first challenge as top 3 all time as far as entertainment goes (reminds me of the challenge seasons ago when they were playing a pseudo version of smear the queer). Anyways, the object of this challenge was to gank the opponent off a pole and drag them past a finish line about 20 or so yards away (2 v 1). Surprisingly, Fang won their first challenge and got the prizes (as well as sending Sugar to the island). The challenge for immunity ended the same way (with Fang winning). In result, Paloma was voted off.
Thoughts/reflections: Surprisingly, no one has jumped out to me as being super annoying. A lot of people may not like Ace, but so far he hasn't done anything to tick me off. My favorite characters at the moment are Randy and Ken (video gamer), who by the way pretty much single-handedly beat the other tribe to win immunity. As for hottest girls, Paloma wasn't as hot as I originally thought, but I did have my eye on that petite body of hers. I forgot who mentioned it before, but Jacquie is now top of the list. She doesn't get my camera time, but hopefully I'll be able to make a better assessment next week.
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Even though he let me down on the last challenge my favorite is Bob. Dude is awesome, the Yau Man of this season. I do like Ken as well, so I'm pulling for either of those two. It looks like this week they might mix the tribes, that should be interesting to see what new partnerships are formed. I also confirm about Jacquie, shes got my vote this year.
did anyone else find it pathetic that sugar found the idol and that lawyer dude couldnt find the first clue? I mean, that sand crater was gigantic, how could he not find that?
also, as I've said in previous seasons, is the idol really worth anything? answer=no, especially this early. it would be one thing if you could use the idol whenever you were voted off, but trying to predict when to use it? its basically a waste, and half the time people will vote for you just because you have it.
I'm with Prime, how did that dumb bia find that thing. I mean cmon now. Either dude put forth no effort or she was "guided". The idol is worth shit, its almost never played. I think in all my seasons of watching I think its only been played once with a good effect. Most people leave holding the idol, or get nubbed into giving it away. The other thing is if you find the idol don't tell anyone. That just opens you up further to get fucked.
i guess i don't know all the rules. i thought the idol was incase you were voted off then you could pull it out and be saved...but i guess that's not the case. what happens if you bring it to tribal council but you are not voted off? do you lose it? the idol has the potential to be a great idea, but from what it sounds like they remove the fun out of it
yea you have to predict when to use it, so you cant use it after the fact. and after you play it its gone whether it saved you or not
you have to use it before the votes are read. so if you think you are going to be voted out, you pull it out, and then he reads the votes and your saved if you had the most votes. if no one voted for you, you still lose the idol. worthless basically. I can only think of one time where someone played the idol and actually saved themselves, but I can think of numerous times people have been voted off because people knew they had the idol and wanted to peace them out.
i think i would def choose the comfort option knowing this if I was sent to exile. Although I think comfort should be a little more rewarding, like a full meal, and maybe like a hot masseuse or somethin
lame. i also think sugar fucked herself by telling Ace. if you aren't going to tell some people, don't tell ANY people. Ace will somehow leak it out to the rest of the tribe at some point.
also, just goes to show how Ace has sugar wrapped around his finger
id argue that the idol isnt worthless, but damn close. like you already mentioned, just dont tell anyone that you have it.
usually people have some idea if they have a chance of being voted off or not. if you know youre dominating challenges and your alliance has 1 less man, chances are theyre gunning for you. pull the idol then. and again, this only works if NO ONE knows that you have the idol, just assume that even your closest friend on the island will stab you in the back if it benefits them. the nig turning on yao man after giving him a car for example
I wonder if playing the idol right after you found it would be a smart thing to do? Especially if you are physically dominant. Why even risk not using it at the right moment? Play it right off the bat, if you end up using it for no reason, you probably would have held it for too long anyway.
If not playing it right away, just playing it aggressively seems smart. Once it is out of the game, you don't have to worry about the random people for the rest of the show having the immunity idol or not. This would only be advantageous for YOU if you were in an alliance and all of the other people convinced that someone else had the idol. You wouldn't want to expose that you have it, though you know that the other person doesn't have it. Does that make sense? Play it early, no risks, no regrets. Only if you are completely weak should you try to use it strategy wise.
i think i would just act like i didn't have it and if i thought i was in danger at all i'd bring it to the council. but then again, i'd probably win the physical challenge idol every week so there would be no point
Man if I was Sugar, and found the idol, the first thing I would say when I got back to camp was I followed all the clues and came to the end and it wasn't there. The other fucker must have it. Even though the guy is on the other tribe. I mean you can lie and say oh I didn't find it, but saying that will put the bullseye on the at guy, even if hes in the other tribe, when you merge you've already got pressure on him.
to respond to terms thought....im 99.9% sure that if you play the idol it goes back into play (like they put another one on the island). But I do agree with just going ahead and playing it the first time you were at risk, then no one will vote for you if you have it, and you dont risk getting voted off while you have it, which would be unbelievable irritating.
def agree with bosk, i would have said the other dude found it too
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